

What does that mean? It is a Masonic term. It means “if you want to become a mason just ask a mason”. It is steeped in historical significance and tradition, the only way to become a Freemason is as old as the fraternity itself. The only way to become a Freemason is to ask a current Mason to join the fraternity. The intent is to dispel the myth that one gets invited to join, you don’t.

I always laugh when people say “They are always bugging me to join”. That simply not the case and more then likely it is a flexing technique meant to boast their importance. It is more closer translated to “I am so valued that a secret fraternity is recruiting me and they normally don’t do that. Praise me”. People like that lack the basic fundamentals principle that is Freemasonry. Freemasonry is more about True Friendship, personal Development, and Community Service or charity towards your fellow man. It is about community.

Count to Three: Basic Degrees of a Blue Lodge

However, it is more then that. To ask one is not enough. A lot of times you must know someone who already is a Freemason. you need to be properly vetted. Every Mason is a good man, however, not every good man should be a mason. Let’s break that down. Our decree is “Making Good men Better”. The whole idea of Freemasonry as a speculative concept to use the spiritual tools to provide a different perspective lends in which to view events and circumstances in your life also known as the working tools. Ancient Freemasons focused on building structures. Today’s Masons focus on building character. We believe in strong values, and we embody them through our actions, our relationships, and our service to others.

I am One

The underlying mission of freemasonry is to unite like-minded men, irrespective of their religion, creed, and cultural differences, around a common purpose of becoming better men by learning the virtues and values of Freemasonry.


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